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Category Archives: Health

Top 5 Regrets People Have Before Death

Top 5 Regrets People Have Before Death

Hospice Nurse Reveals People’s Top 5 Regrets Before Death In our daily lives, we often take things for granted and don’t prioritize them until it’s too late. Regretting about the mistakes we’ve made or the things we didn’t have the courage to do is a normal

12 reasons why you should change your diet "Rice Berry"

12 reasons why you should change your diet “Rice Berry”

The riceberry trend is gaining strength. And we are happy to let this trend stay together with Thai people for a long time. Because good things and great things are in the hands of Thai people. I don’t want Thai people to have to waste

Mouth ulcers may not be internal pain, but "oral cancer."

Mouth ulcers may not be internal pain, but “oral cancer.”

In addition to the cancer that we often hear about like breast cancer Cervical cancer Prostate cancer, liver cancer , and lung cancer. I believe that many people are not familiar with it. “Oral cancer” and may not even know how to get this disease What is the cause?